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Following the accident, the Ministry of Education has ordered nationwide safety checks on all school buses. While much of the country scrambles to catch up with safety standards, a little-known county in China’s eastern Zhejiang province appears set to take the lead in school bus safety.

Following the tragic Gansu school bus accident that killed 19 children, China has implemented a nation-wide safety check on the country’s school buses. Parents thousands of kilometers away in Deqing county in eastern Zhejiang province are very much saddened by the accident, but feel confident about bus safety near home.

A parent in Zhejiang province said, "I read the news about what happened in Gansu, but I’m not worried about my child at all. I have complete faith in the safety of the school buses here."

To ensure a safe trip to school for the 5000 elementary school students in Deqing, the local government paid more than 20 million yuan to acquire 79 modern school buses.

They certainly look like the trademark North American yellow school buses, which are known for high safety standards. But are they up to the task?

Feng Baoqing, a school bus driver, said, "When we drive school buses, safety is a priority. We abide by rigorous speed limits. On city roads we can only go as fast as 60 kilometres per hour, and on country roads it’s 40."
一名校车司机Feng Baoqing透露:“当我们驾驶校车的时候,安全第一。我们遵守严格的速度限制。在城市道路上,我们的时速最快只能是60公里每小时,在乡村道路上是40公里每小时。

According to Feng, though manufactured domestically, the buses follow American standards in both appearance and functionality. A GPS device and real-time monitoring systems are in place to ensure safety.

Luo Yongchang from Deqing Education Bureau, said, "There’s still sort of a policy vacuum on school bus operations in China. Therefore, in order to create a safer environment for our school buses, our county has introduced regulations that give school buses priority status on the road."

Though efforts made by Luo’s county on ensuring safe transportation for students undoubtedly deserve praise, what he said is not entirely true.

In fact, a code of national standards on school buses was already put into effect on July first last year. Unfortunately, it took a tragic accident to prompt people to focus on its implementation.