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Many of China’s expectant women are embracing a trend to have pregnancy photographs. As society develops rapidly, beauty standards are changing. It’s an once-in-a-lifetime experience for most women, and they want to savour the moment.

Zhou Minjun is in the 32nd week of her pregnancy. As this will probably be the only time she will carry a baby, she wants to have her bump frozen quickly in a photograph.
Zhou Minjun怀孕已有个32周。由于这次可能是她唯一一次怀宝宝,她想让她的大肚子快速定格在照片上。

Zhuo Minjun, mother to be, said, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I want to remember this moment. Afterwards, we can all meet together and we can show the photos to our child."
准妈妈Zhou Minjun表示:“这是一生一次的经历。我想记住这个时刻。然后,我们可以聚在一起,我们可以把照片给我们的孩子看。”

A dab of foundation here, a bit of blusher there - It feels good to be treated like a princess. Along with her husband, Lu Meidan is preparing for her big shoot with make-up artists and hairstylists.
这里抹点粉底霜,脸颊这里有点红——像公主一样被对待感觉真好。Lu Meidan和她的丈夫正和化妆师、发型师在准备她的此次大型拍摄。

Wang Shunyue, said, "It’s due to the development of society. In the past, conservative thinking led people to think that it was not polite to expose your belly to others. But now society has developed a lot, and with it, people’s thinking has also changed a lot."
Wang Shunyue称:“这都是因为社会的发展。过去,保守思想使人们觉得露肚子给别人看是不礼貌的。但是现在社会已经有很大的发展,因为这样,人们的思想也改变很多。”

As the general manager of photo studio Taidibao, Li Yan set up a studio specializing in pregnancy photography. Now it has developed three different brands and has seven locations devoted to mums-to-be and their families.
作为泰迪宝照相馆的总经理,Li Yan成立了一个专门的孕妇照相馆。现在它已经开发了3个不同的牌子,有七个专门为准妈妈和她们的家人准备的外景拍摄地。

Li Yan, founder of Taidibao Studio, sadi, "Now they think that when they fall pregnant, this is the most beautiful time in their life. This is a concept that has changed a lot recently. Even if it looks like a ball, women think their figure is beautiful."
泰迪宝照相馆的创立人Li Yan表示:“现在她们认为,当她们怀孕的时候,这是她们一生中最漂亮的时候。这是近来改变很多东西的一个观念。即使肚子看起来像个球,妇女们都觉得她们的体态很美。”

Traditionally, pregnant women are thought to be weak and stripped of their beauty. But these attitudes are changing. Taking pregnancy photographs is a new way to remember their beautiful moments for mothers-to-be.