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The Chinese capital is serving up a feast of drama and dance this November. The 2011 Beijing International Drama and Dance Festival officially kicked off with a stage epic that depicts the glorious history of a traditional opera troupe.

The dance piece "Hui Ban" tells about the ups and downs of a Hui Opera Troupe one century ago.
Based on local folk music and dialects, Hui Opera is a regional performing art popular in East China's Anhui Province and other regions.

The show portrays a groups of opera performers, considered grassroot artists of their day, who struggled against evil powers to earn their survival in Beijing.

The show has won accolades for its innovative choreography, seamlessly incorporating operatic expression with dancing vocabulary. Unique tones of Hui Opera are interspersed throughout the performance.

Wang Ge, choreographer, said, "It's a challenge to transform a regional opera into the language of dance. Also I thought hard about how to attract a modern audience to a century old story. "
舞蹈动作设计者Wang Ge表示:“把一种地方戏剧转化为舞蹈语言是一个挑战。我还冥思苦想如何把现代的观众吸引到一个世纪前的故事中去。”

This is the ninth year of the Beijing International Drama and Dance Festival. For this year's event, some twenty productions are slated to be staged at the city's A-level theatres.

The event has also drawn a dozen overseas arts groups traveling from such countries as the U.S., Holland, Russia, and the DPRK. The festival will run till January, 2012.