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Over the past three decades, China’s economic reforms have created a significant number of millionaires and billionaires. But the new found wealth has also led to a startling increase in the number of Chinese nationals emigrating to other countries. More and more rich seem to be considering moving abroad, as their wealth has made it easier to obtain citizenship and permanent resident status in other countries.

A better education system, better living conditions, or better investment opportunities? Why have China’s newly rich taken to the idea of emigrating to far-away lands?

According to a new survey conducted by Hurun Research Institute, among the country’s 60, 000 super-rich with assets of at least 100 million yuan, nearly half of them are considering emigrating overseas. And 14 percent of them have already emigrated or are in the process of emigration.

The first step usually involves buying property in the desired destination. This real estate agent in Beijing, who specializes in US property, has witnessed a dramatic increase in business over the past three years.

Yu Jingke, CEO of HM Investment, said, "We have seen a double-digit increase in terms of our client numbers, they are wealthy Chinese families. A lot of them either are in the process of applying for emigration, or are seriously considering looking at the option. Besides capitalizing on a cheap US housing market, for this group of wealthy Chinese, investing in real estate is the initial and necessary step for them to emigrate."
华美国际投资集团的首席执行官Yu Jingke表示:“我们见证了客户数量的两位数增长,他们是富有的中国家庭。他们中很多人要么正在申请移民,要么正在认真考虑选择。除了能从廉价的美国房产市场中获利,对这个富有的中国群体来说,房地产投资是他们移民的首要且必要的步骤。”

This real estate agent is not alone. One consulting company is also handling a significant number of clients who are looking to emigrate. Clients usually fall into to the upper class category but try to keep their intentions about emigration quiet.

Larry Wang, president of Well Trend United Inc., said, "China’s less creative teaching-learning pattern and heavy-loaded study, concerns rich parents. Seeking a better education environment for children is the major drive behind the emigration plan. And they want their children to get a better chance to study abroad, and get a western style education. Besides the kids, a considerable amount of people are choosing to emigrate usually to own a foreign vacation home. Clients frequently ask how they can still travel regularly to China with a foreign permanent resident status."

Since the survey came out, a series of questions have been asked if this emigration trend will lead to financial capital and wealth being taken out of the country. Experts say that might not be the case.

Xu Guangjian, professor in Renmin University of China, said, "Wealthy Chinese emigrating to other countries is normal now but you could not have imagined that thirty years ago. In this sense, this is a phenomenon of social progress along with rising economic capacity. A number of wealthy Chinese would put their business emphasis on China, because doing business overseas may not guarantee another success. China would give them more opportunities to do business."
中国人民大学教授Xu Guangjian指出:“现在,富有的中国人移居到其它国家很正常,但是30年前你是不可能想象到的。从这点来说,这是社会进步、经济能力提升的一种现象。一些富有的中国人会把生意的重点放在中国,因为在海外做生意可能不能保证再次成功。中国会给予他们更多做生意的机会。”

Taxation is another consideration for rich Chinese to not completely move all their assets or business out, and some may not even apply for resident status.

Yu Jingke, CEO of HM Investment, said, "Some wealthy Chinese may apply for an American green card only for their children and wives, but for themselves, having a permanent resident status means taking taxation obligations. No matter where they are doing business, as long as they are American residents, they have to report to the IRS, and pay their income tax. In this case, having a green card may be a burden, let alone moving a business abroad."
Of the Chinese millionaires polled by Hurun Research Institute, the United States is the most popular destination for them to set up a second home, followed by Canada and Singapore.
华美国际投资集团的首席执行官Yu Jingke表示:“一些有钱的中国人可能只会为他们的妻儿申请一张绿卡,但是对于他们来说,拥有永久的居民身份意味着要承担纳税义务。无论他们在哪里做生意,只要他们是美国公民,他们就得到美国国税局报到,缴纳个人所得税。如果这样的话,拥有一张绿卡可能是一种负担,更别提把生意移到国外。”