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China has proposed to reduce emissions by relying on its own green technology in the twelfth five-year plan. The country has committed to lowering carbon dioxide emission per GDP by 40 to 50 percent by 2020.

In order to reach this goal, adjusting industrial structure, preventing excessive development of high-emission industries, and promoting recycling projects are top of the agenda. China plans to invest over 3 trillion yuan to better protect the environment.

Over the past five years, China has closed a large number of thermal power stations and built nearly 3 thousand waste water treatment plants. To put economic development in line with environmental protection, the country cancelled the export rebate for more than 200 products with high environmental risks, and stopped lending to projects which conflict with environmental protection rules.

Strict "pollution-free" regulations for car production have been implemented, lowering the average emissions of newly cars in 2010 by 90 percent from that of 2000. Meanwhile, China has established 31 storage facilities for waste produced by its current 13 nuclear power generating units, and formed a national monitoring and warning network for nuclear radiation.
严格的汽车生产 “无污染”规定已经生效了,新车的平均排放量从2000年到2010年降低了90%。同时,中国已经为现有的13个核电发电机组产生的废料建立了31个贮藏设备,形成了一个国家级的核辐射检测预报网络。

Despite these improvements, China still faces an arduous task. The situation is especially severe in rural areas because of the over-exploitation of water resources, arbitrary emissions of waste water and the abuse of fertilizers and pesticides.

Looking to the next five years, China seeks to upgrade pollution treatment in major water basins and seas, while building on its environmental protection policies. The country has also taken a major step to promote clean energy, by creating a system that takes pollution emission achievements into account when assessing the work of local governments.