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"虎妈"刚走 "狼爸"又来了


Just as the “Tiger Mom” controversy started simmering down in China, here comes the "Wolf Daddy." Xiao Baiyou, a self-proclaimed expert on strict parenting, is sparking a new round of fervent discussion on child-raising methodologies among anxious Chinese parents.

He insists he’s the best parent in the world. This past June, Xiao Baiyou published a book on parenting that featured a severe method---spanking.

He laid out his spanking introduction in his book “Therefore, Peking University Brothers and Sisters,” and so he quickly became nicknamed the "Wolf Daddy". His favoured method is the rattan cane, and he spanks his children’s calves and hands when they break his rules. His strict methods appear to have had good results: his four children have entered Peking University, one of the top universities in China.

So Xiao proudly spreads his education idea that children need to be disciplined, ruthlessly. In his microblog, he said, "Come on, want your children to enter Peking University without spanking and scolding them? Don’t be ridiculous." And, "Leave your children more money, and spanking as well."

But the "Wolf Daddy" method was soon questioned by other parents. Some speculate that Xiao Baiyou just want to be famous through propagandize his strict child-raising rules.

The “Wolf Daddy” Xiao Baiyou is a 47-year-old Guangdong businessman who deals in real estate and luxury goods in Hong Kong.

Unlike many of his fellow citizens who usually have one child, Xiao has four children. Two of them were born in Hong Kong and two in the US. Some people on the Internet think the reason his children entered Peking University is because the exam is much easier taken from Hong Kong.

Neitizen: "It’s so much easier to enter Peking and Tsinghua Universities as Hong Kong exam-takers. Why don’t you spank your children to enter the University of Hong Kong?"

Parent: "I think it’s fake. This is just a way he makes money, through selling his book. I hope parents do not follow him."

A parent said, "I think this is a kind of forcing children to accept parents’ thoughts. I don’t think it’s good for children to force their thoughts. Their minds will be twisted."

Children do not welcome the "Wolf Daddy" method either. A pupil said, "I’ll feel very sad if my mom and dad beat me, and I’ll be weak to do anything."

Xiao argues that all those critical voices are from people who either do not have parenting experience or do not truly understand him. Anyway, he has succeeded in stirring another round of controversy on parenting following the roars of a "Tiger Mother" in the US.


欢迎大家参与讨论: http://bbs.hxen.net/thread-69385-1-1.html