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China is learning new ways to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change at the UN conference in Durban. Efforts are being made on both national and local levels.

China is thirsty. Its per capita water resource is only 25% of the world average. And millions of people depend on agriculture.

This dry land is located in Ningxia in the northwest of the country. Climate change threatens to increase temperature and potentially causing desertification.

Officials from the region are in Durban to address the difficulties.

Ma Zhougyu, director general of Ningxia Development and Reform Commission said: "Funding is the biggest challenge. We are seeing a huge gap between what we have and what we need. Water shortage is a fact that’s hard to change, but we’re adapting to it. Lack of awareness is also our weakness, which has to be improved."

The good news is, with joint action, awareness is rising. The British Council has sent green ambassadors to different parts of China, to research and learn, with hopes of making a difference.
Wang Kai is one of them.

Now the key is to come up with policies to cope with the effects of climate change. Something not only China, but countries around the world are striving towards.

Reporter: "Given the size of the country and the variety of its ecosystems, it’s a complex job for China to deal with the impacts of climate change. Gaps in knowledge and lack of experience have hampered the progress of adaptation. But this issue is getting more and more important on the national agenda. And here in Durban, China is looking for new solutions."

Global partnership is one of these solutions. This gentleman says adaptation in China is still an emerging field, but he’s seeing progress.

Though there are still many challenges ahead, China is determined to continue fighting climate change, so that people in Ningxia, and across the whole country can have a sustainable and green future.