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The European Unions says it's ready to begin the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. This marks an important step forward in the UN climate talks. As the world’s largest developing country, China has always supported the Protocol. But it needs to work with other countries to iron out the specifics of the deal.

Another community decides to come on board. The European Union is ready to move on without waiting for others.

Back in Cancun, the EU wanted to see if other developed countries would follow suit. In Durban, they’ve found new partners.

But disagreements also exist among partners. The EU wants China to be more clear about its commitment to the second period.

Prescott was one of the politicians who made the first Kyoto Protocol possible in 1997. He says from Copenhagen to Durban, China’s role has become different in the UN process.

Disagreements over the Kyoto Protocol have kept countries deadlocked for almost three years. Talks in Copenhagen and Cancun both stretched into long hours, ending with last-minute agreements.

Reporter: "With the EU’s willingness and that of other countries, there’s now hope the protocol can be revived. As negotiators discuss a more inclusive deal for 2015, a renewal of Kyoto -- although smaller -- could tie them over. However, as the EU chief negotiator says, sometimes messages are more progressive in press conferences, rather than in meeting rooms. "