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圣诞节已近 经济依然没起色


While the Greek government is now lobbying for a greater bailout loan, Greek citizens are feeling the cinch. Despite Christmas coming in just days, most Greeks are tightening their wallets.

For Katerina Grapsa, Christmas always provided a business boost in the past.
对Katerina Grapsa来说,去过,圣诞节总是能刺激生意。

Since 1925 Grapsa has operated a store that sells decorative items. The shop was popular for the annual good luck charms Greeks give as gifts around Christmas and the new year.

But this year, Grapsa’s decorative Santas are still sitting on the shelves and her baskets remain full of good-luck pomegranates and lucky horse shoes.

Katerina Grapsa, shop owner in Greece, said: "Unfortunately, the year has not gone well. We’re already 30 percent down compared to last year’s sales. Now with the holidays coming, there’s no sign of things improving. The daily traffic is insignificant. It gives us no hope that anything better will happen. I hope to be proved wrong, but I don’t think so."
希腊的商店老板Katerina Grapsa表示:“不幸的是,今年的行情并不好。和去年相比,今年我们的销售额已经下降了30%。现在,随着假期的临近,没有改善的迹象。日交易量微不足道。这让我们看不到任何会好转的希望。我希望是我想错了,但是我认为不是这样。”

She says that because of austerity measures people will buy only immediate necessities.

Grapsa adds that people will come in to buy a token 5-euro present for the sake of making a simple gift-giving gesture, but are tightening their pockets from purchasing any larger gifts. Grapsa said: "Based on my grandmother’s stories, during the German occupation, business was destroyed, but they were able to restart the business. Now we have another world war, a financial one, and I don’t know where it will lead us. We have nothing giving us hope that things will go well, based on what is happening in Europe, too. We’re not alone."

She says she sees no hope in the immediate future and will wait to see what the cash register reports on December 31st before taking decisions on the 86-year-old shop’s future.