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广东省扑杀鸡只 确保公众健康


Bird flu worries have arisen again after the Ministry of Health confirmed the human case in Shenzhen. Following this, authorities in Zengcheng in Guangdong province began a massive cull of poultry on fears the disease could jeopardize human health.

This chicken farm in Zengcheng City was once home to nearly 30 thousand chickens.

It has now become their final resting place as lime powder is spread on the ground to sterilize the location.

There were fears of a breakout when thousands of them were found dead. But the local agricultural bureau announced later that the animals did not die of bird flu and posed no threat to humans.

Luo Yuman, section chief of Zengcheng City Agricultural Bureau Vet Section said: “We reported to the animal disease prevention and cure department about the situation, and they did some tests. They said the chickens died from AILT.”
增城市农业局兽医部门部长Luo Yuman表示:“我们向动物疫病防治部门报到了情况,他们做了一些测试。他们表示,这些鸡是死于鸡传染性喉气管炎(AILT)。”

About 2 thousand chicken were found dead when a local vet station conducted a routine check of the private chicken farm on December 23rd 2011. That number kept rising in the days immediately following the discovery until the Guangzhou government decided to kill them all seven days later.

No other animals were found to be infected in Guangzhou.