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As part of an effort to close the gap between the wealthy and the underprivileged, China has started to experiment with making some public services free for average folks. So it’s certainly no surprise to hear a public library offering free access to readers. But how about a free library set up single-handedly by one man?

It’s a courtyard house in the capital of northwestern Gansu province in an inconspicuous setting. And every day, it sees an unusual number of visitors - pupils among them.

But don’t mistake what you see for a private tutoring session.

Luo Shurong, a local student, said, "Grandpa Liu is so kind. He’s created for us a very nice place to study. He has spent so much on such a great number of interesting books that have enriched us with all sorts of knowledge."
当地学生Luo Shurong表示:“刘爷爷非常亲切。他为我们创造了一个非常好的学习场地。他在许多有趣的书籍上面花费了这么多时间,这些书籍充实了我们,为我们提供了各种知识,。”

Grandpa Liu, or Liu Yi, is a retired university teacher and the founder of this place -- the region’s first private library.

And the motivation for his good deed, he says, comes from his father.

Liu Yi said, "My dad came up with the idea and had been planning to set it up before his death. He gave the name ’Green Cloud’ to the idea, and I’ve named the library after it."

"Green Cloud" sounds like a rather poetic and proper name for a library. But just like many other, public, projects, it had problems with funding.

Liu Yi said, "I had to sell my father’s house to the government, and received a compensation package of 400,000 yuan. The money was used for building the library, and in 2008, it finally opened after three years of preparation."

"Green Cloud" opened with Liu’s father’s collection of books, newspapers and periodicals. Not exactly a library in the conventional sense.

But after people started to take notice, many offered their own donations. 3 years later, Liu’s library now holds more than 30,000 volumes and an ever growing staff.

Zhang Hongyu, a volunteer staff member, said, "I thought I could help in some way when I first came, but decided to stay and contribute more when I got to know Mr. Liu better over the course of past three years. What he’s done is really impressive."
自愿工作者Zhang Hongyu称:“我第一次来的时候,我觉得我可以帮上点忙,但是,过去三年里,在我更加了解刘先生之后,我决定留在这里奉献更多。他所做的真的很感人。”

Liu says it was his father who first came up with the dream of setting up a free library for the public. But he deserves full credit for making it come true.