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Stuffed animals are great for children, but have you ever considered them works of art? One Chinese artist is changing the way people think about these "toys."

The pieces come from Teng Teng, an artist who was originally just trying to entertain his grandkids. He first created the pictures in 1989 as a way of telling traditional Chinese stories. Today it's the source of livelihood.
这些作品出自艺术家Teng Teng之手,他最初只是想逗乐他的孙子。1989年,他用讲传统中国故事的方式首次创造了这些图片。今天,它是生计的来源。

The stuffed dragons are sewed with silk, and individually stitched onto backgrounds.

Teng Teng said, "I was inspired by the traditional applique art of Manchus. They use fur or cotton as filling to make stuffed trinkets, and stitch them to clothes, hats and shoes."
Teng Teng表示:“我的灵感来源于满族传统的缝饰。他们用皮毛或棉作填充物来制作填充小饰品,并将它们缝到衣服、帽子和鞋子上。”

Patterns are first laid out on thick paper before being trimmed and fitted into the shape of dragons. It’s much harder work than it seems, but Mr Teng has published a beginners guidebook so that would-be craftsmen can get instruction from the creator himself. He has high hopes for its future.

Teng Teng said, "It’s a recent creation with only about twenty years history, but we draw inspiration from tradition and pay our respect. I hope more people find it interesting and join us in spreading the art."
Teng Teng表示:“虽然这是一项只有20年历史的新创作,但是我们从传统那里获得灵感,我们尊重它。我希望更多人能发现它的趣处,与我们一起传播这种艺术。”

He hopes the pictures will someday be inseparable from other traditions tied to the dragon. Mr Teng’s work can be seen on exhibition in a museum in Hebei Province exclusively dedicated to his art.