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Traditional Chinese medicine has long been a source of wonder abroad, but many are sceptical of its curative effects.

A Chinese medical doctor Gu Huanghu has brought his skills to Brazil. And after years of work, his treatments have become very popular among the locals.

When Brazilian President Lula Da Silva waved to his people on his way to be sworn in on live television in 2003, Gu Hanghu noticed something that others missed.

Gu Huanghu said, "I saw President Lula Da Silva had difficulty in raising his right arm when he waved to the public. His left hand was always holding his right shoulder and he could only wave for a short while. I realized immediately that he had periarthritis of the shoulder. I can cure that."

Two days later, Gu was invited to see the president and treat him.

He said, "I applied a paste to his shoulder, and he felt much better later that day."

The former president’s shoulder pain gradually eased after Gu’s treatment. And since then, Lula Da Silva has often asked Gu for medical care and even taken the doctor with him to other countries. Many other Brazilian government officials have become Gu’s patients as well.

President Dilma Roussef said, "His hands are very magical. I think he’s an outstanding doctor. He can ease nerves and pain in bones and muscle."

Gu Hanghu used to practice traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai. He travelled to Brasilia in 1987 and opened a clinic. More than two decades have since passed, and Gu has won fame in the capital city, drawing patients from near and far.

A patient said, "It’s incredible. We didn’t believe in him at first because Brazilians are not familiar with Chinese treatment. But it was amazing."

Every year during Spring Festival, many Chinese in Brasilia celebrate the new year at Gu’s home, where many of his patients, including Brazilian officials, can be found.