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In Indonesia, a woman decided to spend one of the most memorable days of her life tied closely to her roots. Andy Saputra takes a closer look at a traditional Chinese wedding.
在印尼,一位女人决定度过她生命中最值得纪念的一天之一,这一天紧系着她的根。Andy Saputra将近距离观看一场传统的中式婚礼。

Today is the most important day of the girl's life. She's been dreaming of her wedding day ever Since she was a little girl.

She though met her husband y years ago, legally they've been married but culturally, today is the day that matters. The girl and her husband is part of a small community that still holds true to an ancient Chinese marriage tradition of Chiau tao.. A tradition that is very rare. Even back in china itself.
她多年前遇见她的丈夫,在法律上,他们已经结婚了,但是在文化上,今天才是至关重要。女孩和她的丈夫是属于仍然坚持Chiau tao这项古代中式婚礼传统的小部分人。这项传统非常罕见。甚至在中国也是这样。

David Kwa, Chinese culture scholar, said, "After the fall of cing dinasty and the 1966 cultural revolution, the tradition has almost become extinct, but in indonesia, remarkably this tradition survived, even if it's only practiced in certain communities."
中国文化学者David Kwa称:“在清朝衰落和1966年文化大革命之后,这项传统几乎绝迹,但是在印尼,这项传统显然还保留着,即使它只在某些社区里进行。”

The Chiau Tao ceremony literally means to dress the hair. And it is a coming of age tradition that every bride must go through before embarking in an adulthood marriage. It is a very important part of their lives, as it is believed that your ceremonial partner will meet you in the afterlife.
Chiau Tao仪式字面上的意思是理发。它是每位新娘在进入成人婚礼之前必须经历的一种年龄传统。这是她们生命中非常重要的一部分,因为它被认为是你的婚礼伙伴来生会遇到你。

The ceremony also includes eating 12 different dishes signifying the couple will go through the months of the year together in health and in sickness among other rituals that the couple must do. And the celebration lasts for 3 days.

The intricacies of the ceremony means that not many people can afford it, this has encourage the ciputra mall, a long promoter of Chinese culture in Indonesia, to hold this mass wedding event to showcase this dying culture.
仪式的错综复杂意味着许多人都负担不起,这促使印尼一位中国文化的长期支持者ciputra mall举办这场大型的婚礼来展示这种正在消亡的文化。

CCTV's Andy Saputra said, "The survival of this tradition is even more impressive given that Chinese culture was banned from being practiced here before the 1999 reform era. and with the new found freedom, Chinese culture is making a comeback in indonesia"
央视记者Andy Saputra表示:“由于1999年改革时代之前这里禁止进行中国文化,这项传统的沿袭更加令人印象深刻,有了新自由,中国文化正在印尼复苏。”

David Kwa said, "the main reason that chiao tau survived in this community is because the integration between the people there and their cultures are very strong. This sense of belonging has helped a large number of Chinese culture to survive in Indonesia"
David Kwa表示:“chiao tau在这个社区保存下来主要是因为那里的人们和他们的文化的融合非常强。这种归属感帮助大量中国文化在印尼沿袭下来。”

The hope is that with more understanding of the culture, the successful assimilation in this small community can be replicated.