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Shanghai has long suffered from sinking ground. Worst-hit is the Bund - an old city center and home to the city’s signature skyline. It's sunken up to three meters since the early 1990s.

Fang Zheng, vice chief engineer of Shanghai Institute for Geological Survey, said, "The culprit has been the pumping of ground water to support the city’s industrialization. The city began taking preventative measures in 2005, and now the land sinks seven millimeters annually. "
上海地质研究所副总工程师Fang Zheng称:“原因是抽取地下水来支持城市的现代化。2005年,上海开始采取预防性措施,现在土地每年下沉7毫米。”

Technology plays a big role in preventing the densely-populated city from being pulled into the ground.

Data gathered by radar satellites make it easy to detect the slightest changes in elevation. And over 300 underground detectors in the city monitor changes to underground water levels. Hundreds of tons of water are injected each day to replenish underground aquifers and keep the city aloft.

Wang Hanmei, staff member of Shanghai Institute for Geological Survey, said, "It is drinking water that meets the national standard, so the aquifers will not be polluted."
上海地质研究所的工作人员Wang Hanmei表示:“饮用水达到国家标准,所以地下蓄水层没有被污染。”

Local authorities spend nearly 20 million yuan annually to controlling the problem, and have said they will continue to upgrade underground infrastructure meant to prevent further sinking.