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Forty years ago, US President Richard Nixon’s historic visit to China has changed not only the world, but many individual lives. Not only has it had great influence on the world of politics, it has also helped shape the lives of many ordinary people. CCTV reporter Ai Yang tells us the story of the evolution of the Sino-US relationship, as closely experienced by one Chinese family in Beijing.
40年前,美国总统理查德•尼克松对中国的历史性访问不仅改变了世界,还改变了许多个人生活。它不但对政治领域有巨大的影响,而且还影响了许多普通人。央视记者Ai Yang将通过北京一个近距离感受这种变化的中国家庭,告诉我们中美关系的发展。

The Ling’s family’s history with the US goes a long way back. 80-year-old George Ling was the fourth generation in his family to have travelled to America to study. His life, spent between the two countries, has been accompanied by the ups and downs of political changes. The first time Lin stepped on American soil, he was only 17.
Ling和美国的家族历史要追溯到很久以前。80岁的George Ling是他们家留美的第四代。他在两国间的生活伴随着政治变化的起伏。第一次踏上美国的土地时,Lin只有17岁。

George Ling said, "I was very elated, but we didn’t have much money. My parents borrowed 700 US dollars, and that was enough for one year’s tuition fee."
George Ling称:“那时我非常高兴,但是我们没有什么钱。我父母借了700美元,那笔钱够我一年的学费。”

As fate would have it, soon after Lin’s arrival, the Korean War broke out. China and the United States fought against each other on the battlefield, after fighting side by side during World War Two just a few years back. At a time when cold war tensions were high, and being the head of the Chinese students association in the US, Lin was asked by the FBI to pick his side, if the two countries ever went to war.

George Ling said, "They put me on the spot. I was in the States and if I say I stood on the Chinese side, I really fall into the trap. And if I say I stood on the American side, I would be lying and breaking my conscience."
George Ling表示:“他们把我难住了。那时我在美国,如果我说我站在中国这一边,我就陷入了困境。如果我说站在美国这一边,我就是在说谎,违背我的良心。”

In the end, Lin said he told the investigators that he’d side with Peace, rather than War. The answer saved him from further troubles. A few years later, having graduated from Yale and then Oxford University, he returned to his motherland with hope and ambition. Ling had yet to find out what he and his family’s experiences in America would have brought him, as China was going through the Cultural Revolution.

George Ling said, "A lot of tears. We came back with full Patriotic ideas and first question they have in mind is why you come back. You must have special missions."
George Ling表示:“很多眼泪。我们带着全部的爱国心回来。他们心里的第一个问题是你为什么回来。你一定是有特别任务。”

Although being suspected again, this time by his own home country, Ling and his wife were working hard in a factory and proving their loyalty to China. A few years later, another event changed their lives one more time. In 1972, US president Richard Nixon arrived on a ground breaking trip to China.

After witnessing the historic handshake with Premier Zhou Enlai seen by the world, Ling said that he had finally wiped some of the tears away, as his overseas experience became useful after all. Soon, the couple were asked to teach English at the university next door to the factory where they were working at.

The university students started to study English. Over the following decades, as ties between China and the US normalized and strengthened, Ling ventured into many more areas of work, while at the same time, promoting cultural exchanges between East and West.

Through his experience, he explains in his book on China, that different ideologies rise due to their different cultural origins. And he says the best way for China to be understood, is to first understand how it is being viewed.