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A record number of Chinese students are heading overseas, according to the latest data from China's Ministry of Education. That's of particular interest to Australia, where education remains the country's second-largest services sector, just behind tourism. But over the past year, a strong local currency has meant fewer and fewer Chinese students are opting to go Down Under. On his trip to Beijing, Senator Chris Evans - Australian Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research - sat down with our Haidi Lun. He spoke about his plans for deepening engagement with China, beyond the mining boom.
根据中国教育部的最新数据,出国的中国学生的人数创下纪录。中国学生特别感兴趣的是澳大利亚,教育是该国第二大服务行业,仅次于旅游业。但是去年,坚挺的本国货币意味着越来越少的中国学生选择去澳洲。在北京的访问过程中,澳大利亚高等教育、技能、科学与研究部长克里斯•埃文斯参议员和我们的Haidi Lun一起坐下来。他谈到其关于在矿业以外加深同中国关系的计划。

A record number of China's best and brightest are heading overseas. Fresh figures from the Ministry of Education show, China sent 340,000 students abroad last year. That's 20 percent more, compared to 2010.

For Australia, this figure is something of a bittersweet milestone. In just one year, Australia's international education sector lost close to two billion Australia dollars in revenue. Last year, Australia saw a decline of 15 percent in Chinese students coming to the country. That's largely thanks to a stubbornly-high local dollar, which makes the country an increasingly expensive destination for international students.

Chris Evans, the Australian Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research, says it's about quality - not quantity.

China has a burgeoning middle class, growing incomes, a traditional reverence for education and fierce competition when it comes to limited domestic university spots. All of this represent enormous untapped growth potential for overseas institutions.

Haidi Lun said:" Education has always been one of the key areas of exchange between China and Australia. Some 40 percent of international students in Australia are, in fact, Chinese. But a two-speed economy, slowing Chinese growth and a strong local dollar, means the Australian government is hoping that education and skills training will become a two-way street."
Haidi Lun称:“教育一直以来都是中国和澳大利亚交流的一个重要领域。事实上,在澳大利亚的国际学生中,有40%是中国人。但是,减缓中国的增长和坚挺的本国货币的双速经济意味着澳大利亚政府希望教育和技能培训能成为一条双行道。

And part of that strategy is sending more Australian students to study in China.

In the meantime, Australian universities are courting Chinese students -and parents - in myriad new ways, to boost those enrolment numbers. The University of Sydney has begun accepting scores from China's national college entrance exam - the gaokao - in its admissions process.

China's Ministry of Commerce estimates, around 1.1 million of the country's students are currently studying abroad. Since China's reform and opening-up program in 1978, 2.2 million Chinese have received either undergraduate or postgraduate degrees overseas.