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Long time friends, the two countries have shared diplomatic relations for over 40 years. Turkey recognizes China's growing importance both in the areas of economics and politics, while Beijing acknowledges Ankara's growing influence with its neighbours.

While diplomatic issues will likely be discussed when the two countries meet this week, trade is also expected to be high on the agenda.

In 2011, imports and exports between Turkey and China reached $24 billion usd from what was 1 billion just 12 years ago. China has thereby become Turkey's third largest trading partner.

Dr. Cagdas Ungor is an export of Chinese affairs at Istanbul's Marmara University and says commerce between the two countries could become even more important as economic problems plague two of their largest trading partners, the European Union and the United States.
Cagdas Ungor博士是伊斯坦的布尔马尔马拉大学中国事务的一名专家,他表示,由于经济问题困扰着土耳其的最大贸易伙伴,欧盟和美国,两国之间的贸易变得更加重要。

Prof. Cagdas Ungor, Marmara Univ. East Asian Studies, said, "Both China and Turkey have both been much less influenced from the negative implications of the financial crisis. So in the middle run, in the long run, I believe bi-lateral trade will basically be much more important for each side."
马尔马拉大学东亚研究教授Cagdas Ungor称:“中国和土耳其受金融危机负面影响比较少。所以我认为,从中长期来看,双边贸易对双方而言基本上都更加重要。”

Both Turkey and China have shown this importance by pledging to double trade in the next three years and increase it to $100 billion usd by 2020.

This growth will come from further cooperation in a number of areas including energy and tourism. That is why 2012 has been declared China Culture Year in Turkey; an effort to increase cultural knowledge and interest in the Far East.

Dr. Ungor believes this anticipated expansion in trade will come from street level.

Prof. Cagdas Ungor said, "I believe that Chinese and Turkish businessmen know each other much better than the statesman so the government's level exchanges basically lag behind the economic exchanges."
Cagdas Ungor教授称:“我觉得,中国商人和土耳其商人比政治家更了解彼此,所以政府层面的交流基本上落后于经济交流。”

Turkish businessman Serkan Aksehirli has had economic exchanges with China since 2008. He travels to China many times a year to purchase car navigation and entertainment systems, which he then sells to auto manufacturers across Turkey.
土耳其商人Serkan Aksehirli从2008年开始与中国有经济交往。他一年要到中国很多次,购买汽车导航和娱乐系统,然后再卖给土耳其的汽车制造商。

While he has seen a lot of change during this time, he hopes that the two countries will discuss simplifying trade regulations.

Serkan Akasehirli, owner of Navimaster, said, "The products are changing, the people's minds are changing for the last four years very very rapidly. The quality is getting much better now. If we just get a better service in terms of the customs and this kind of issues, everybody could get benefit of these things."
Navimaster的老板Serkan Akasehirli表示:“过去四年,产品在改变,人们的思想也变得非常非常快。现在的质量好得多了。如果我们能在海关和此类问题上获得更好的服务,大家都能从这些事中受益。”

Yet the Turkish Economy Minister Zafer would like to see the benefits from more balanced trade between Turkey and all Asian countries as more is currently incoming than outgoing.