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Created to educate and fascinate, a one-mile cultural walk in the Australian bush is attracting international interest. It's hoped the new trail will entice more tourists to the area, while making them aware of the indigenous lifestyle.

The southern-most state of Australia is known for it's rugged beauty and tough terrain, but until now, there's been little explanation of the Aboriginal presence in the area.

A recently organized government-funded walk, inspired by the local indigenous Needwonee people is attempting to change all that.

Located in Tasmania's southwest wilderness, this world heritage sight has always attracted bushwalkers and adventurers. But the rough terrain has often deterred the average tourist. Many opt to take a boat ride or visit scenic areas by vehicle.

Now there's easy access to the wilderness through the new Needwonee walk, which gives insight into the lives of the local Aborigines.

Sam Lennox, staff member of Tasmania Parks & Wildlife, said, "The track actually takes in the buttom grass moorland, so typical of the south west, and through the tea tree forest is fantastic and then out onto the lagoon glimpses of the harbour Mt Rugby and the eastern and western Arthurs."
Tasmania Parks & Wildlife的工作人员Sam Lennox称:“事实上,这条路包括底部的草荒野,西南地区很特别,穿过茶树林是很棒的,走出环礁湖看到的是Mt Rugby港和东部和西部的Arthurs。”

Built by Rangers and Tasmanian Aborigines, the boardwalk trail interprets the life of the elusive Needwonee Tribe.

There are spears, baskets, grinding stones, and other contemporary sculptures, as well as traditional shelters and campsites. Tourists say it adds to the experience.

Sarah Peacock, tourist, said, "It's really impressive for us to see that the culture is being shown to us and its being carried on."
游客Sarah Peacock称:“看到这种文化展现在我们面前以及它是如何传承的,我们印象真的很深刻。”

Aunty Verna, aboriginal elder, said, "Even if they spend sixty seconds just thinking about our ancestors it's a good result."
土著长者Aunty Verna称:“虽然他们只花了60秒思考我们的祖先,但是这是个好的结果。”

The local aboriginal community will continue to work with Parks and Wildlife to maintain the trail and change some of the temporary installations.
当地的原着民区将继续和Parks and Wildlife一起努力,维护这条步道,改变一些临时设备。