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Public outrage has never been so huge since Guizhentang Pharmaceutical, one of China’s largest bear bile producers, announced plans for an IPO. In order to ease public concerns over its reportedly inhuman treatments of bears, the company opened the doors of its bear farm to media for the first time.

More than 150 reporters visited the bear farm on Wednesday, as part of the company’s efforts to increase transparency after becoming the center of public anger. Even those who are among the strongest opponents of extracting bear bile were on the list.

Zhang Xiaohai, Director of Affairs, Animal Asia, said, "We have been keeping touch with Guizhentang Pharmaceutical, we are glad that we will be accompanied by media when visiting there."

At the farm, a peaceful picture is presented to the cameras. The young bears seemed to have sufficient space to exercise.

The media also witness the process of extracting bear bile on a so called "normal day." Some reporters say the whole process is different from the pictures they saw online, as the bears appeared calm.

However, an NGO staff says only happy young bears were open to the public. The depressed and hurt ones are hidden from sight.

A NGO staffer said, "It is possible that they give local anaesthetics to the bears during the bile extracting process, so the bears will look fine when you visit."

It came as no surprise when the company denied the doubts, saying there was no chance of cheating. They even welcomed the media to conduct a thorough investigation.

A bold response from a company tests the bottom line of public outrage. The controversy has had little impact on stocks related to bear bile products so far. But animal rights activists say they have faith in the futures of the captured bears.