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The two weeks long political meetings in Beijing have drawn a big global attentions. Russian news agency Itar-Tass correspondent Marat Sisenovich Abulkhatin in Beijing has expressed strong will to learn more about China's "New Normal" economic development.

"New Normal" means a lot to us. If China's economy enters a new normal phrase. What we need to do firstly is not only to develop trade relations in the remaining traditional area. but also to expand investment cooperation. Especially to promote the direct investment in Russia from China," Marat Sisenovich Abulkhatin said.

He also said the "One Belt, One Road" initiative will not only provide new opening up opportunity and bring economic growth to China but it will also create a new driving force in the China-Russia trade and economic cooperation. The two countries can carry out more cooperations within the framework of "Silk-Road Economic Belt" project.