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China has agreed to a deal with Thailand to provide 900,000 tablet computers to Thai schools. The "One Tablet PC Per Child" policy was a high profile promise of the ruling Puea Thai party's election campaign in July last year. With this new reform, the Thai government hopes to improve the overall quality of their education system. Our correspondent, Dusita Chumsri reports.
中国达成与泰国的一项协议,为泰国学校提供90万台平板电脑。“一儿童一平板”计划是执政的为泰党去年7月份竞选时的一个高调承诺。借助这个新的改革,泰国政府希望提高其教育系统的整体质量。记者Dusita Chumsri报道。

It seems that chalkboards will be a thing of the past as Thai students begin a pivotal transition to a digital classroom.

Young students at this school in Bangkok have leapt into the 21st century with one of the most ambitious educational reforms ever devised. A reform that stems from a high-profile promise that helped the ruling Puea Thai party win by a landslide in the election last year in July.

Chinnapat Bhumirat, PH.D. of Office of Basic Education Commission, said, "It is in the policy of the government that would like our children to be exposed to ICT which is a very important equipment for learning at this age. To do the best, we would like to introduce it at the very beginning, to be introduced to the Grade 1 students all over the country".
基础教育委员会办公室的哲学博士Chinnapat Bhumirat称:“政府的政策是想让我们的孩子接触ITC,这是这个年龄的孩子一种非常重要的学习设备。为了做到最好,我们想在最开始的时候就将其引进,引入到全国的一年级学生中。”

The Thai government has inked a deal with China that will see it import 900,000 tablet computers for its one-tablet-per-child scheme. At a cost of $70.6 million dollars, the project will distribute the device to all first grade students throughout the country.

This is one of 5 schools in Bangkok that has been selected for the pilot project. Teachers and students here have seemingly welcomed the modern gadget.

Nang Noi Leongthavornpot, teacher of Prasarnmit Demonstration School, said, "I think they will get some new interest in new knowledge. They can share their experiences with friends and teachers, stimulate their thinking skills, by searching, analyzing, systematizing and problem solving." http://www.hxen.net
Prasarnmit Demonstration School的教师Nang Noi Leongthavornpot表示:“我觉得他们会对新知识产生新兴趣。他们可以通过研究、分析、系统化和问题解决与朋友、老师分享他们的体会,激发他们的思考技能。”

In conjunction with the initiative, Thai authorities are also planning to introduce WiFi connectivity at all schools across the country.

CCTV's Dusita Chumsri said, "With the Thai government hoping to see the tablets reach the hands of students by March, this initiative has come at a crucial time as Thailand's quality of education has become one of the country's most worrisome chronic problems."
央视记者Dusita Chumsri称:“由于泰国政府希望这些平板电脑在三月份之前送到学生的手中,这项倡议处于关键时刻,因为泰国的教育质量已经成为该国最令人不安的长期性问题之一。

International studies place Thai's among the worst in Asia for English proficiency, despite being among the biggest spenders in the world on education. Many past attempts to fix the broken educational system have resulted in an overall decline in student grades.

Prof. Sirichai Kanjanawasee, dean of Education, Chulalongkorn Univ., said, "Without careful planning I think that the policy will do more harm than good. I think that technology is not the answer in education but the answer is the quality of teaching, quality of teachers and the quality of school administrators."
朱拉隆功大学教育学院院长Sirichai Kanjanawasee教授表示:“我觉得,没有仔细的规划,这项政策将弊大于利。我认为,科技不仅是教育的对等物,还是教育质量、教师质量和学校管理人员质量的对等物。”来自:和谐英语学习

Thailand remains divided in several ways. It is hoped, by the government, that the tablet PC will narrow the gap between the privileged children and those less fortunate. But with rural schools lacking in facilities and technological know-how, many fear that it is these children that will ultimately be left in the dust.