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With carbon emissions at record levels in the atmosphere, fighting climate change is on top of the agenda for countries across the world. Wu Haojun takes a look at China’s efforts for a greener future.
随着大气中的碳排放达到最高纪录,应对气候变化成为全球各国的最重要议事日程。Wu Haojun将去看看中国为更加绿色的未来所做的努力。

China says it’s fully committed to the global fight against climate change. It delivered the message loud and clear at last year’s Durban Climate Talks.

China wants a comprehensive and balanced pact based on equal principles, which reflects common but differentiated responsibilities.

Xie Zhenhua, vice minister of National Dev’t & Reform Commission, said, "We’re seeing an obvious gap between different parties. But we do hope that we can adopt a responsible attitude for the development of mankind. It’s important to turn these political wills into concrete actions. We should all be cooperative, constructive, and flexible. The outcome may not satisfy everyone, but it can still be acceptable. And this is what a multilateral mechanism should be about."

A global fight requires global efforts. While that has proved to be a difficult process, China has decided to take the initiative.

But China has also made it clear that fighting climate change should be a multilateral process.

In response to the EU’s carbon tax scheme, China issued a blunt no, banning its airlines from participating.

Ji Yuan, deputy asst. director general of CAAC, said, “The EU’s unilateral decision to levy carbon emissions fees on all airlines is unacceptable to China. It destroys international cooperation on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.”
中国民航局局长助理Ji Yuan称:“欧盟对所有航空公司征收碳排放税的单边决议无法让中方接受。它破坏了减少温室气体排放的国际合作。”

Although China’s economy has been expanding at around 11-percent annually from 2005 to 2010, energy consumption per capita of GDP fell 19-percent. For those who wonder how that was achieved, this engineer at a Beijing wind farm may have part of the answer.

Lin Zili, staff member of Beijing Guanting Wind Power Plant, said, "The control room is like the heart of the farm. The electricity is transmitted through loop lines to a grid-connected substation. From there, the electricity will be delivered to Beijing."
北京官厅风力发电厂员工Lin Zili称:“控制室就像是农场的中心。电通过环线传送到一个并网变电站。电就是从那里运输到北京的。”

This wind farm helps cut yearly emissions of carbon dioxide by 300,000 tons and saves 150,000 tons of coal each year.

The indications are a shift is already taking place in China’s development strategy -- from pursuing fast growth, to sustainable growth.