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The Brazzaville explosion also hit a building belonging to the Beijing Construction Group who was undertaking a local residential housing project. Of the 130 Chinese workers at the site, 6 were killed, one remains missing, and many others have been injured.

A deadly blast - In the aftermath of the arms depot explosion, Chinese workers are receiving medical treatment in Brazzaville Hospital. Steps are now being taken to separate those in critical condition from those with more superficial injuries.

A Chinese Medical Team in the Republic of Congo is actively involved in treating the wounded workers.

Zhang Guoxiang, head of Chinese Medical Team, said, "There are 10 people who are in critical condition. We are trying to negotiate with the locals; hopefully we can get our people the help they need."
中国医疗队队长Zhang Guoxiang称:“有10人情况危急。我们正尝试与当地人协商;希望我们可以给我们的人需要的帮助。”

As more and more injured people arrive, the hospital is facing a shortage of essential medicines. The scale of the blast has paralyzed hospital operations. And the Chinese embassy is doing everything it can to help.

It’s a race against time. And for every injured worker, there’s a family back in China worrying about their fate, as the Chinese Medical Team works with locals to get them the treatment they desperately need.