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As the drought lingers on in Yunnan province, small water resource projects have been implemented to deal with the situation. The water cellars project in particular is performing well.

Yunnan province, a distinctively beautiful place, is still suffering from unrelenting drought. The local government is sending water to fill the dried cellars in Zimukou village. Five trucks with water have been sent for the mission. Climbing the bumpy hill road is no easy task even for the automobiles.

Local officials say the water cellars have largely relieved the water shortage in Yunnan. So far, with the financial help of the government, more than 13,300 water cellars have been built in the village of Mengzi.

This single water case can hold two tons of water. Altogether 18 tons of water will be poured into this cellar. The village head says the 18 tons of water can meet the needs of the villagers for only 1-2 days. But the villagers say this has already greatly helped to solve the problem of the water shortage.

A villager in Zimukou village, said, “We mainly use the water in the cellar for drinking and washing. Used water is fed to the livestock. ”

Filling the dried cellar is like a feast for the villagers. Many of them have come to help. Every drop of water is precious for these people.

Cao Minghui, chief of Flood & Drought Control Dept., said, “The job of fighting the drought depends both on the people’s own efforts and the local government’s support. People should understand that the fiscal capacity of the local government is limited.”
防汛抗旱部门主任Cao Minghui称:“抗旱工作依靠的是人民自己的努力和政府的支持。大家都应该知道,地方政府的财政能力是有限的。”

At present, the government regularly sends water to schools, hospitals and those in poverty. It will also send water to fill some seriously dried cellars reported by villagers. Most villagers are using cars to fetch water to fill their cellars. Some are paying about 300 to 400 yuan to hire a car to get water. Cao says if the drought gets worse; the local government will subsidize water fetching.

The severe drought has been lingering for three consecutive years. Joint efforts of the government and the local people have attempted to battle the issue.

Experts are saying that small water resource projects are being successfully implemented. However, large-scale construction of water diversion projects is needed to fundamentally solve the problem.