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Concerns over school bus safety have been drawing increasing attention from schools and local authorities. Schools in remote and poverty-stricken areas are turning into private operating transport systems. CCTV reporter Ning Hong visited a school in Yi Xian County in Central China to see how the new mode works.
有关校车安全的担忧不断引发学校和地方政府的关注。偏远、贫穷地区的学校正变成私营交通运输系统。央视记者Ning Hong访问了中国中部黟县镇的一间学校,看看这种新模式是如何运作的。

School is out. Students are lining up at the school yard waiting to go home. Zhang Haiyan’s house is 20 kilometers away. Since last September, she and four other kids ride this minibus everyday. It is run by private contractors jointly hired by schools and parents.
放学了。学生在学校操场排队,等着回家。Zhang Haiyan的家有20公里远。自从去年九月份以来,她和其他四名孩子每天都搭这辆小巴。小巴是私人承包商经营的,受雇于学校和家长。

Li Wenjiang, deputy director of Yi Xian Xiling Elementary School, said, "In the countryside, students are living in every direction. Having a few school buses wouldn’t meet our needs. And time doesn’t permit school buses to circle around and pick up students. So the most practical solution is to let students living in the same village take a specific school bus. And the cost is shared by their parents and the school. It satisfies everyone."
黟县西岭小学副校长Li Wenjiang称:“在农村,学生住在四面八方。几辆校车并不能满足需求。时间不允许校车绕一个圈去接学生。所以,最实际的解决方法是让同村的孩子搭乘特殊的校车。费用由家长和学习共同承担。这让大家都满意。”

The bus drivers are all private contractors, some even doing it as a part time job. The local traffic department issues a special license to bus drivers, and makes routine checks to make sure the buses are in good condition.

Each bus has been assigned to carry certain students on fixed route everyday. Driver Yang Xuehui can only carry five students on each ride to school. She drives the route four times a day. Traffic police are also making routine checks to make sure drivers don’t overload.
每天,每辆巴士都在固定路线上接送指定的学生。司机Yang Xuehui每次只能接5名学生到学校。她每天在这条路上来回开四次。交警也进行例行检查,确保司机没有超载。

Yong Xuehui, school bus driver, said, "For a bus like this, carrying only five kids, I can barely afford it. This is as many as I am allowed to carry at a time. If I had one student less, I wouldn’t be able to afford the gas."
校车司机Yang Xuehui称:“对于这样一辆只能载五个孩子的巴士,我几乎负担不起。每次允许我载这么多人。如果少了一名学生,我就付不起汽油费了。”

Schools pay 300 yuan to drivers every month as subsidiary. The rest comes from the parents’ pockets. The road to Zhang Haiyan’ home is rough and sometimes even dangerous, with occasional falling rocks and narrow bridges. After spending an hour bumping on the road, Zhang Haiyan makes it home. Her mother is deaf and mute. Her father chops firewood to support the family.
学校每个月支付300元作为给司机的补贴。剩下的出自父母的钱袋。Zhang Haiyi回家的路崎岖不平,有时甚至很危险,偶尔有坠落的岩石和狭窄的桥。在崎岖不平的路上度过一小时之后,Zhang Haiyi回到家。她的妈妈又聋又哑。她的爸爸靠砍柴来养家。

Zhang Jun, Zhang Haiyan’s father, said, "The bus fee has been raised again, to 150 yuan a month. Where can we get that amount of money? I have to borrow from others."
Zhang Haiyan的爸爸Zhang Jun表示:“车费又上涨了,涨到每个月150元。我们去那里弄这笔钱?我得跟其他人借。”

Despite the rising bus fee, Zhang Haiyan’s family is glad to know that she’ll return home safely each day. And they find more satisfaction seeing their child enjoy her time at school. But it’s Zhang Haiyan that says she’s seen the big yellow school buses on TV, and wonders when she’ll ride one of her own.
虽然车费上涨了,但是Zhang Haiyi的家人知道她每天能安全地回家都很高兴。看到他们的孩子在学校过得开心他们更加满足。但是,正如Zhang Haiyi说的,她在电视上看到大大的黄色的校车,她想知道自己什么时候才能搭那样的校车。