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After a city-wide effort to scrub too-literal English translations from street signs ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing authorities are launching yet another linguistic rectification campaign - this time, targeting restaurant menus.

This may all look so yummy, but the menu might be a shock!

CCTV reporter Xie Sisi said, "This Chinese menu was lost in translation. Don’t worry, meatballs don’t smile and ordering Chinese food can be so easy now with this book."
央视记者Xie Sisi称:“这份中文菜单的翻译让人弄不明白。不要担心,肉丸不会笑,有了这本书,点中国菜可以如此容易。”

This Book - "Enjoy Culinary Delights: A Chinese Menu in English” was recently published to put an end to the often-too literal English translations seen on Chinese menus. It contains recommended translations for more than 2,000 of China’s most popular dishes.

The Director of the Beijing Foreign Affairs Office, who’s also the chief of the editorial committee of the book, said it’s the newest effort in promoting China’s culinary culture.

Zhao Huimin, director of Beijing Foreign Affairs Office, said, "As Beijing is striving to become a “World City”, we need a better language environment. And Chinese food has become more popular around the world in recent years, so it’s essential to standardize the translation."

China’s dish names are infused with its culinary culture, and expressing them in English is not always so easy.

CCTV reporter Xie Sisi said, "Take this iconic Sichuan dish - Kung pao chicken for example. ’Kung pao’ was an official title during the Qing Dynasty, and the inventor of the dish - Ding Baozhen possessed the title, so his title was used to name the dish."
央视记者Xie Sisi称:“拿这道四川名菜——宫保鸡丁做个例子。‘宫保’是清朝时期的一个官衔,它是这道菜的发明者丁宝桢的官衔,所以这道菜是用他的官衔来命名的。”

Foreign visitors in Beijing are welcoming the book.

Cao Hongling, the manager of a local restaurant, said the book is useful for both foreign and Chinese diners. She said, "Since our restaurant is located in the embassy district, we have a lot of foreign customers. The standard translation from the book can be a great reference to us. And the wine list translation in it can benefit our Chinese customers, to help them choose a wine."
当地一间餐馆的经理Cao Hongling称,这本书对中外食客都很有用。她表示:“由于我们的餐馆坐落在大使馆区,我们有很多外国客人。这部书的标准翻译可以成为我们一个好的参考。里面的葡萄酒菜单翻译也使我们中国客人受益,有助于他们选葡萄酒。”

The municipal government has tried to regulate English menus since 2006 and promoted the translations in more than 1,300 restaurants during the 2008 Olympic games.

The book is available on its official website:www.bjenglish.com.cn and can be downloaded from: www.bjfao.gov.cn.