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Last year, Yunnan province saw several tragic school bus accidents. In many remote places there, harsh geographic conditions make it hard for many students to get to school.

In the latest in our series of how CCTV is raising money to improve school transport in rural areas, CCTV reporter Hu Chao traveled to one remote village and spoke with the children there.
最近,在我们关于央视如何筹集资金改善农村地区学校交通运输的系列报道中,央视记者Hu Chao前往一个偏僻的乡村,与那里的孩子交谈。

Yang Chaokai and Wang Shufen walk to school together every morning. They are students at the primary school in Reshui village. Both of them are seven years old. Their feet have long got used to a path like this.
Yang Chaokai和Wang Shufen每天早上一起走去上学。他们是热水村小学的学生。他们都是七岁。他们的脚长期以来已经习惯了这样的小路。

Since enrolling in the school last September, they walk an hour each way to class. They have to first climb down the hill and then along the railway.

This is the famous railway that connects Vietnam and Yunnan province. And this is way that the two children, Yang Chaokai and Wang Shufen walk every day to get to school for about one hour.
这是连接越南和云南省的著名铁路。Yang Chaokai 和Wang Shufen walk这两个孩子每天去上学都要走这条路走约一个小时。

When the school is finished, they have to get back home. It may seem like an exciting adventure in the deep and beautiful mountains. But can you imagine walking this way back and forth for about two hours every day? It’s much different.

Walking on the rocks is not as easy as it looks, especially when it takes as long as 40 minutes. The two kids are much swifter than us.

Their parents are all farmers. Both Yang Chaokai’s sister and Wang Shufen’s brother are studying at a middle school. Life isn’t easy for the two families. Most of their money is spent on tuition for the elder kids.
他们的父母都是农民。Yang Chaokai的姐姐Wang Shufen的哥哥都是读中学。对这两个家庭而言,生活并不容易。他们的钱大部分花在大的孩子的学费上。

After a steep and bumpy slope, they arrive at school. The school only has 24 students in two classes, first grade and second. Yang Chaokai and Wang Shufen are in the first grade.
经过一段陡峭、崎岖的斜坡之后,他们到达学校。学校一二两个年级的两个班只有24名学生。Yang Chaokai和Wang Shufen都是一年级的。

Yang Chaokai said, “It’s a bit tiring to get to school every day. I’m a little scared. I’m interested in math. She is interested in Chinese.”
Yang Chaokai表示:“每天来上学有点累人。我有点害怕。我对数学感兴趣。她对语文感兴趣。”

The principal says the school will be closed in September. All students will be transferred to a boarding school in the town of Baihe. By then kids like Yang Chaokai and Wang Shufen won’t have a long trek to school.
校长表示,学校九月份就要关闭。所有的学生将被转移到白河镇的一所寄宿学校。到那时,像Yang Chaokai和Wang Shufen这样的孩子就不用艰苦跋涉去上学。

Huang Yunqing, principal of Reshui Primary School, said, “It’s hard for me to part with the kids and this place since I’ve worked here for more than 20 years. This is good news. Since the boarding school enjoys better teaching quality, I’m happy for the kids.”
热水小学校长Huang Yunqing称:“我在这工作了20多年,要我和孩子们分开很困难。这是一个好消息。因为那间寄宿学校的师资更好,我替孩子们高兴。”

Reshui Primary School only has three teachers, including the principal, his wife and another elderly instructor who has worked there for more than 30 years.

Tang Haibin, head of Baihe Town Central School, said, “Boarding school in Baihe town is convenient and safe for students here. They can also enjoy the state’s subsidy. And the teachers are much younger and more experienced than those at schools in the village level.
白河镇中心小学校长Tang Haibin称:“对学生来说,白河镇的寄宿小学既方便又安全。他们可以享受到国家的补助金。这里的老师也比乡级学校的老师更年轻、更有经验。

In many remote mountainous areas in Yunnan province, extreme geographic conditions make it nearly impossible to build roads. As school buses have been strongly advocated in today’s China, more practical measures are needed to ensure the safety of students in special areas.