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A 22-year-old undergraduate, majoring in applied mathematics, has became a researcher at Central South University, in Changsha, Hunan province after breaking a math equation that went unsolved for more than 20 years.

Liu Lu has become an official researcher at his university, which will give him benefits that an official professor would receive, including research grants and other benefits.

Zhang Yaoxue, President of Central South University, said, "He won’t give lectures. We would like him to gain more knowledge from both China and abroad, and be dedicated to scientific research as much as possible. Here we offer every opportunity and our support."

Liu Lu said, "It is encouraging to see such an acknowledgement in the campus as well as in the academic field. I feel some pressure."

Liu cracked the Seetapun Enigma last year, which has puzzled the international mathematics community for over two decades. The math problem was first raised by British mathematician David Seetapun.

Meanwhile, Central South University has approved a joint studies program, which will allow Liu to pursue his master’s and doctoral degrees. The university said the policy is meant to offer a better platform for young academics to pursue their studies.

A student in Central South University said, "It is encouraging for us to make achievements in the academic field."

Liu will receive one million yuan as a reward, which will be used to carry out scientific research and to improve Liu’s living condition. The university will also recommend Liu as a candidate for the National Youth Scheme an exclusive club started by a Chinese mathematician, which has a restricted membership of 1,000.