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China’s Ministry of Health has announced that organ transplants will soon depend fully on voluntary donations in 3 to 5 years. Currently, a vast majority of organs come from executed felons but that will soon change.

Yang Shuhua has been given a new after a liver transplant. Told by doctors that her life was all but over back in 2010, Yang decided to join a waiting list for a liver transplant after a year of unsuccessful treatments. Yang Shuhua said, "My only goal is to have a liver transplant."
Yang Shuhua在肝脏移植之后获得新生命。早在2010年,医生就告诉她,她的生命快结束了,经过一年的失败治疗之后,Yang决定加入肝脏移植等待者的行列。Yang Shuhua称:“我唯一的目标就是进行肝脏移植。”

Daughter of a patient said, "To be frank, it’s our last chance. We had to fight for it, or my mother would never go back home."

But her case is rare. Only one out of 150 people who need an organ transplant actually find a matched donor. Currently 90 percent of all organs used for transplants, come from convicted prisoners who have been executed.

But the rapid decrease of death penalty sentences has created a shortage of organs. In response, medical authorities in China have set up a national system of organ donation.

China’s Organ Transplant Regulation first issued in 2007 is undergoing revision. Professor Shen Weixing, a member of the revising board explains how it will work.
首先于2007年发行的中国《人体器官移植条例》正在进行修订。修订委员会委员Shen Weixing教授解释了它会有什么作用。

Professor Shen Weixing, vice dean of School of Law, Tsinghua University, said, "The revised version has two features. One is focused on regulating organ donations, and the other is to entitle the Red Cross society, the authorized organization for donation promotion, registry, distribution, and donor family support."
清华大学法学院副院长Shen Weixing表示:“修订版有两个特点。一个是规范器官捐赠,另一个是授予权威组织红十字会进行捐赠宣传、登记、分配和支持捐献者家庭的资格。”

The Red Cross Society has worked hard to expand and promote an organ donation system in China since 2010. In the new regulation, a clause will be included to encourage people to donate organs after they die. But the biggest barriers are deep rooted attitudes in Chinese culture.

Qiu Bao’an, director of Navy General Hospital, said, "Chinese consider the body a heritage from parents and want to keep the body intact even after death. Asking about organ donations to some means an impolite implication of sudden death. These factors make convincing people to donate their organs hard."
海军总医院主任Qiu Bao’an称:“中国人认为身体发肤受之父母,即使死后也想保持身体完整性。询问器官捐赠有咒人早死的不礼貌含义。这些因素使得很难说服人们进行器官捐赠。”

Medical Authorities in China believe saving lives through organ transplants may be improved by encouraging people to sign up as organ donors. But more importantly, the country should promote a scientific and transparent donation and distribution system, key to gaining public acceptance and trust.