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In the US, many Chinese are now heading there to buy real estate, bearing in mind that having a home overseas is a source of great prestige for some. Their action has increased home sales in the US dramatically.

A real estate agent said, “One buyer told me I don’t want a very expensive house, just $2.5 million dollars."

Southern California real estate agent, Lily Yu, is headed ease. Lily Yu said, "A lot of homes selling just like that, very quickly, but for cash, for over a million dollars? oh yeah, definitely "
Southern California房地产经纪人Lily Yu放松了。Lily Yu称:“很多那样的房子卖得非常快,但是是现金交易,一百万美元以上?噢,是的,当然是。”

David Michonski, author, said, "What you see in the county is part of a long-term trend around the world. The Chinese are buying in major metropolitan areas. "
作家David Michonski表示:“你在美国看到的是全球趋势的一部分。中国人正在主要的大都市地区买房。”

It’s happing in London, New York and Vancouver but activity in the "OC’ is "OOC": Out of control. Home sales in December 2011 doubled the number sold in January 2008. The county is attracting the rapidly growing population, partly by tapping into their sense of community, understanding their unique tastes.

Sylvia Yu, a buyer, said, "Our high school, University High is ranked number 8 in the whole country.That’s why we decide to move to here."
买家Sylvia Yu称:“我们的中学、大学高中在全国排第八。这就是我们决定搬到这里的原因。”

Sylvia Yu’s primary motivation for paying 900, 000 dollars cashes her son’s secondary education. This wealthy enclave provides plenty of that prestigious addresses, pricey toys, and home values to match.
Sylvia Yu支付90万美金的首要动机是他儿子的中学教育。这块富有的土地提供了很多有声望的地方、价格昂贵的玩具和房价来相匹配。

Yakenda Mcgahee, Irvine, California, said, "It’s not just the little luxuries and status symbols that are important. Home Builders here are constructing homes with the Asian buying market in mind. For instance, many homes have features like this wok kitchen and now you’ll often find them outfitted with master suites and in-law units because Asian homes are often multi-generational."
加利福尼亚的Yakenda Mcgahee, Irvine比奥斯:“重要的不只是少数的奢侈品和地位象征。这里的房屋建造者在建房的时候就考虑到亚洲买房市场。例如,许多房子的厨房有炒菜锅这样的特征,现在,你常常会发现它们配有主人房和姻亲房,因为亚洲的房子经常都是几代人同住的。”

That’s opened the door to their enormous buying power. According to the national association of realtors, Chinese property purchases nearly doubled in US in 2011.

While many major metropolitan areas are benefiting from this buyers market, orange county’s courtship with the Asian community-certainly helps them capitalize on it.