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In the US, The Republican party has chosen its nominee for president. Now as the two parties political conventions draw near, attention is turning to who Republican candidate Mitt Romney will select as his running mate.

The presidential running mate, the role to be designed to be the second in command, and to complicate his political party's presidential nominees, experiences, but a decision that can make or break a campaign.

John Mccain's choice in 2008 was Alaska governor Sarah Palin - a glamorous, outspoken mother of 4 that captured the imagination of the press and the american public, but proved to be a campaign game changer: - an idea that was good on paper - designed to appeal to women and lend the veteran Arizona senator some credibility with younger voters and washington outsiders.

Instead, Palin famously "went rogue" and discarded the campaign's script - adversly affecting his presidential run.

In that race, then - senator Barack Obama - facing doubts about his relative youth and experience particularly in foreign policy - chose Joe Biden - a seasoned lawmaker and head of the senate foreign relations committee. - a combination that saw off the challenge from Mccain and Palin.

Republican nominee Mitt Romney's choice will have to combat his public image as a wealthy, consummate businessman who appears to lack the common touch. His choice must appeal to key demographics and soften that image : Romney had plenty of competition during the drawn out Republican nomination process.

Michelle Bachman, rick perry and Herman cain effectively disqualified themselves by displaying a lack of knowledge on key election issues.

Rick Santorum - Romney's closest rival - standing against abortion and gay marriage - may be too conservative to appeal to swing voters.

The most likely candidate did not stand as a nominee - Marco Rubio - a 41 year old senator representing Florida - representing a key swing state and popular with the huge voting demographic.

President Obama will likely stick with current vice president Joe Biden - despite one time media speculation that he would invite his former Hillary Clinton to run with him.

An Obama - Clinton 2012 would be a dream ticket for many in the democratic party due to mrs Clinton's popularity in the polls -but as vice president she would be joined at the White House by its former occupant her husband - former president Bill Clinton - a scenario Obama will more than likely avoid.

So, for vice presidential running candidates to join to meet Romney and and his race to the White House, but the public convention takes place in Florida.