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It’s a brighter picture in the UK - where nearly 30 million people are now employed - the highest number since records began 40 years ago. Between August and October, the number of unemployed fell.

In fact it was the biggest quarterly drop in 11 years. The rate of unemployment also fell one fifth of a percent from the previous quarter. But, as CCTV correspondent Richard Bestic reports from London, not everyone is benefiting equally.

22- year-old Jorden Berkeley spent months writing off for jobs after she graduated from university - without success. Until a careers advisor told her to make her name sound more English to improve her chances.

Jorden Berkeley said, "I never though my name sounded particularly ethnic. There is nothing wrong with ethnic sounding names. Funny enough, I start to get responses back."

And Jorden’s not alone. A British Parliamentary report found women from ethnic backgrounds are twice as likely to be unemployed. Among Pakistani and Bangladeshi women the jobless rate’s even higher.

So, while the number of people out of work in Britain fell by 82,000 to two and a half million between August and October, the headline figures hide what UK Parliamentarians call discrimination every stage of the recruitment process.

For Jorden, there was a happy ending.She’s secured for herself a job as a public relations executive. But she hasn’t forgotten the racial hurdles she faced finding work in a land where she was born and her family’s lived for three generations.

Jorden Berkeley said, "I think angry is definitely the wrong word. But it’s true. It raises awareness and made me aware of the issue itself."

To battle against Britain’s endemic racism, Jorden’s set up her own website Young Black Grads. Co . UK giving best advice.

There’s an irony in the plight faced by Jorden and others like her in Britain. The latest census figures show that in the UK capital at least, ethnically white Britons are in a minority. This really is a multicultural society.