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Australia’s Prime Minister has stunned voters by calling an election for September 14th. In her first major political speech of 2013, Julia Gillard said she wanted to end political uncertainty by setting the date early.

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said, "Today I announce that I will advise the Governor-General to dissolve the House of Representatives and to issue writs on Monday the 12th of August for an election for the House and half the Senate to be held on Saturday the 14th of September.

"Announcing the election date now enables individuals and business, investors and consumers to plan their year. But the benefit of fixing the date now is not just the end of speculation about election timing, it gives shape and order to the year and it enables it to be one not of fevered campaigning but of cool and reasoned deliberation."

Gillard said the Governor-General would dissolve the current parliament on August 12th, giving the government two more sessions of parliament to pass laws and deliver its May budget.

Gillard’s minority Labor government holds a one seat majority with support from a group of independents and the Greens.

Polls suggest the Liberal opposition would easily win office if an election were held now. The vote will decide whether Australia keeps its controversial carbon tax, and a 30 percent tax on coal and iron ore mining profits. But apart from these two policy differences, the government and opposition differ little on domestic issues.