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The 2013 International Women Festival is underway, presenting a variety of dramas on the stage. This one-month-long event showcases top works focusing on the themes of women, family and romance.

Over one thousand free tickets are given out on the first day, as a welcoming gesture for this major drama event.

It opens with a dance performance, in which elegant but forceful movements present a refreshing picture of modern women.

"These works can help women better understand themselves. What we once knew about women is far from what they are now in modern times." Gaoyan, Vice President of 2013 Beijing Int'l Women Festival said.

Another leading show is "Chen San and Wuniang," a classical play from the traditional musical genre "South Tone," a listed national intangible heritage.

The play describes two young lovers striving for a happy union in 15th century China, when the freedom of love was strictly forbidden.

Music matters a great deal in conveying the emotions and struggles of the protagonists.

"We used 4 traditional South Tone instruments to present the music, as well as a symphony background. We hope that we can entertain old folks who grew up with the style, and attract some new audience members." He Zhaohao, Composer of "Chen San and Wuning" said.

Besides exquisite musicals and dances, a couple of fun and amusing mother-child dramas are also a highlight. The event features 8 plays on various themes, providing a close and entertaining look at the state of modern women.