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China's Foreign Ministry and the Taiwan Affairs Office under the State Council have strongly condemned the fatal shooting of a Taiwan fisherman by the Filipino military. They have demanded that the Philippines investigate the incident swiftly and thoroughly and expressed condolences to the victim's family.

65-year-old Taiwan fisherman, Hong Shi Cheng, was killed after being shot at by a Philippine military ship in waters where both Taiwan and the Philippines have overlapping jurisdiction. The incident occurred at around 10 am local time, approximately 170 nautical miles off Taiwan’s eastern coast.

Taiwan authorities have issued a statement expressing deep concern over the incident. But they said naval ships would not be sent out to avoid further escalating tensions.

According to local media reports, after shooting at the fisherman, the Filipino military vessel continued to chase and fire at the Taiwan fishing boat. It escaped further attack only after fleeing for more than an hour. Its onboard equipment was also severely damaged. A Taiwan marine patrol ship was sent to rescue the fishing boat, which lost power after the attack.