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An orange heat alert, the second-highest level of heat alert, is remaining in place in many parts of China. Temperatures in many cities in the south, east, southwest and northwest China are expected to continue above 35 degrees Celsius towards the end of this week. Some parts of Hunan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Chongqing and Xinjiang could see temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius.

Since the start of July, 43 cities and counties in south China have experienced temperatures above 40 degrees. Changsha, capital of Hunan province, has experienced 32 continuous days above 35 degrees. Hangzhou, capital of Zhengjiang province, has had 28 days and Shanghai 25 days.

The record heatwave has so far claimed several lives and prompted Chinese authorities to issue an emergency heat advisory in many areas.

In southwest China's Sichuan province, a record number of swimmers squeezed into an indoor swimming resort. In Shanghai, a chef managed to cook some pork just by placing a pan on the ground. In Jiangsu, a cargo of fish that spilled onto a highway fried within minutes.

People in heat-affected areas have been resorting to any means to cool themselves.