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A series of summit forums are also on the bill at this year’s film festival. Topics including innovation in filmmaking, incorporating Chinese elements and fostering film talent are all on the agenda as film experts try to examine China’s film industry.

40 film experts including professors from Beijing’s Film Academy and Normal University have gathered here to dissect China’s film industry.

"If our strategy is confined to the home market, then there’s limited influence. But if we’re targeting internationally, then we must follow international protocols since the film industry has become a global business." Zhou Tiedong, CEO of China Film Promotion Int´l said.

Now with the great leaps of the internet and other rising new media, micro film has become the next big hit.

The industry has an estimated output value of tens of billions of dollars in the next five years.

The future trend for China’s micro films is also a hot topic at the forum of this year’s festival.

"Our micro film industry is still like a toddler, just learned to walk. There’s still a lot to work. I hope the government will come up with supporting policies to unite filmmakers." Prof. Hou Guangmin, Beijing Film Academy said.

The forums will also consider how to effectively incorporate Chinese elements into films, to appeal to international audiences.