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A young inventor in Indonesia has won a gold medal in an international exhibition in Malaysia. His invention was inspired by the increasing numbers of violent attacks against women. While his ingenuity is a cause for celebration, his inspiration is a worrying sign.

With so many shoe design. It is hard to stand out.

But this one will definitely shock you, literally.

"I put a battery and a circuit inside, when the on button is pressed, the front of the shoe will generate 450 volts of electricity." Inventor Hibar Syahrul Gafur said.

This is Hibar, the 14-year-old that invented this electric shoe a year ago.

In this prototype state, the shoe has won international recognition, including the 2013 International Exhibition of young Inventor in Malaysia.

A shoe that he invented to help women fend of attackers.

Reporter: "With such a simple yet useful invention, Hibar is one of the brightest young inventor in Indonesia. But the bigger question must be, what drives a 13 year old to these kinds of idea like this."

"I saw a lot of rape and sexual harassment cases, that’s where I got the idea, I want women to be able to protect themselves." Hibar said.

This, according to Iwan, a dean in one of Indonesia’s leading law university is an indicator of a serious problem.

"This signifies a deep mistrust in the rule of law of the country, for a 13 year old to effectively take matters, that is really the state’s responsibility, into his own hand. This is a homework for the government." Iwan Dharmawan, dean of University of Pakuwan, said.

While Hibar’s audacity and ingenuity is definitely a cause for national celebration, the real pride will come when the trust in government protection is won back.