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A rising number of wealthy Chinese are moving to Europe because their favored destination, Canada, has been scaling back entry. Hong Kong-based immigration consultants are trying to provide would-be migrants with alternative programs.

This is an immigration agency in Hong Kong. Canada recently canceled its investor visa program, and consultants here are recommending alternative programs to their clients.

"You can spend 500,000 Euros to buy a property in Portugal, then you can get residency." Cy Wong with UNI Immigration Consultancy Ltd. Said.

Mr Wong has been working in the immigration industry for several years. He himself is a Canadian, and has helped a lot of Chinese emigrate there. He says Canada is an ideal place to live, but its losing its appeal for wealthy Chinese.

"Nowadays, it’s not that much, honestly. In the past, people think of going to the US, Canada, Britain or Australia. But now, the only problem they concern is the days they have to stay in these countries. It takes quite a long time in these countries. Some people have enterprises elsewhere, so they can’t stay there very long. So at this moment, more and more people will not choose these countries.” Wong said.

Though some countries like Canada and Australia have tightened their immigration policies, others, in Europe, are desperate to attract the rich Chinese, especially since the financial crisis of 2008. On the list are Portugal, Spain, Greece and Cyprus. With less cash than it takes to buy a tiny apartment in the outskirts of Beijing, Chinese investors can acquire residency in one European locale.

"From this chart we can see, Australia requires the highest investment, which needs nearly 5 million US dollars. In Portugal, the applicants are only required 1 million US dollars. Most people prefer to invest in properties. The requirement is low, and no need of long time residency in the country." Wong said.

According to a report by the Hurun Research Institute, 64 percent of Chinese millionaires have emigrated or are preparing to do so. Most of them are looking for clean air, safe food, better welfare or a good education for the next generation.

China used to supply the world with destitute, toiling workers, but the trend now is changing, with more wealthy and well-educated Chinese buying tickets for departure. China’s booming economy has enriched many millionaires and made investment immigration more easily affordable. Analysts say the immigration boom will continue.