您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语视频 > 英语新闻视频 正文 希拉里锁定民主党提名 2016-06-07来源:和谐英语 According to a count by the Associated Press, Hillary Clinton has reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination. This comes a day before six states are set to vote in nominating contests. Clinton, a former Secretary of State, reached the 2,383 delegates needed to become the presumptive Democratic nominee with a decisive weekend victory in Puerto Rico and a burst of last-minute support from super delegates. Meanwhile, democratic presidential nominee Bernie Sanders says Clinton has not yet clinched the nomination, saying unbound super delegates cannot vote until the party's national convention in July. 本栏目更多同类内容 扫码关注和谐英语微信公众号,第一时间获取最新学习资料 或公众号搜索myhxen 上一篇 美联储主席对经济前景表示谨慎乐观 下一篇 苏宁将收购国际米兰多数股权 相关文章 特朗普怒斥民主党人:国情咨文不鼓掌是叛国!特朗普提名Rick Perry为能源部长希拉里和特朗普之间的第一次电视辩论希拉里·克林顿的健康成为政治问题希拉里·克林顿接受了美国总统候选人提名希拉里击败对手桑德斯桑德斯在西弗吉尼亚击败希拉里中国移民主导美国投资计划昂山季素领导的缅甸全国民主联盟赢得大选国民党中常会通过洪秀柱提名