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Step 1: Understand why you don't have a flat stoamch
One reason for not having flat abs or a flat belly is because You may have weak TVA muscles

Your TVA or TransVerseAbdomiuns muscles are located behind your six-pack or rectus abdominus.

The reason why people have flat midsections is NOT because they have strong abs (or a strong rectus abdominus or "6-pack")...
People Have Flat Abs Because Their TVA muscles Are Strong...

And your TVA muscles don't have to be super strong... You just have to exercise them every so often to keep your tummy flat.

A combination of weak TVA muscles and accumlation of belly fat leads to you having a pot belly or pooch insted of flat sexy abs

Step 2: How to work your TVA muscles for flat abs
Place one of your fingers on your belly button

Without taking in a deep breath. Try to move your belly button inward as far away from your finger as you can.

(Basically all you're doing is holding in your stomach while breathing normally) Hold your belly button in for 5 seconds working your way up to a minute or...

Instead of increasing the time... You can try to draw in your belly button further away from your finger.

Step 3: A faster way to get a flat stomach
Place one of your fingers on your belly button

Without taking in a deep breath. Move your belly button inward just a little bit from your finger but not as far away as you did in the first TVA exercise -

Tie a piece of string (or rope) not too tightly around your midsection.

Every time you relax your TVA muscles... the rope will tighten up around your waist reminding you to tighten your TVA muscles.

You can do this exercise all day long if you want to. You can do it at work, home, or at the mall... It doesn't matter and people won't know you're exercising because they wont see the rope tied around your belly under your shirt.

And Everyday If you can stand it... Keep moving your belly button in a little further.