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If you’re more of a Gloomy Gus than a ray of sunshine in your pictures, these tips will let your personality shine through with an award-winning smile.

You Will Need
Electric toothbrush
Dentist appointment
Whitening strips

Step 1: Go electric
Purchase an electric tooth brush to remove stains and plaque more efficiently and to keep those teeth sparkling white.

Don’t forget to give your tongue a thorough scrubbing to remove the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Step 2: Scale back the coffee and tea
Scale back on the coffee and tea consumption to prevent the gradual staining they cause, and quit smoking — it can save a lot more than your smile.

Step 3: Visit the dentist
Visit the dentist for a professional cleaning and to inquire about whitening treatments such as gels, pastes, and the popular UV light treatment.

A professional cleaning will dramatically improve the effectiveness of whitening strips and treatments.

Step 4: Use store-bought whitening strips
Use store-bought whitening strips that are less expensive than professional-grade products but that can be just as effective.

Overuse of whitening products can damage teeth and your gum line and make your teeth sensitive. Always follow the package directions.

Step 5: Ask about alignments
Ask an orthodontist about tooth alignments or dental adjustments, many of which no longer require intrusive and ugly braces.

Step 6: Opt for veneers
Opt for veneers that cover your teeth and never stain or wear out. Smile with the confidence you’ve always wanted.

The great white shark can have as many as 3,000 serrated teeth in several rows at any one time.