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索马里基地组织悬赏 10头骆驼捉拿奥巴马


The United States offers millions for information leading to the capture of the world's most wanted terrorists. A Somali militant group has purportedly countered with an offer of camels for U.S. Officials.

Al-Shabaab has placed a bounty of 10 camels for President Barack Obama and two camels for information on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

索马里基地组织悬赏 10头骆驼捉拿奥巴马

An audio statement posted on jihadist websites purportedly from Al-Shabaab jeered news that the United States is offering millions of dollars for information on seven key members of al-Shabaab through its Rewards for Justice program.
伊斯兰圣战网站上发布了一段据称来自伊斯兰青年运动组织的视频。该视频嘲弄美国启动“正义审判奖金” 悬赏数百万美元来获得伊斯兰青年运动七位核心领导者的行踪的举措。

The man on the audio claimed to be Fuad Mohamed Khalaf, considered by the State Department to be Al-Shabaab's leading fundraiser. The United States has offered $5 million for information of his whereabouts.

"Whoever brings the mujahidin information about the whereabouts of infidel Obama and the lady of Bill Clinton, the woman named Hillary Clinton, I will give a reward," the man said.

A study by Galkayo University, which looked at the effects of drought on livestock, said the average cost of a camel in Somalia is $700.