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距离产生美 异地恋情如何保鲜


VideoJug is here to help if geography is getting in the way of you and your loved one. Follow our guide on how to have a long distance relationship, and keep your relationship alive despite where you are in the world.

Step 1: Talk it through


You need to discuss your expectations of the relationship once you are apart, and set clear parameters. Are you going to be completely monogamous? Are you allowed to fool around?


There is a painful break-up on the horizon if one of you is waiting loyally at home while the other thinks out of sight is out of mind.


Step 2: Communicate


The key to any relationship, but particularly crucial to long distance ones, is communication. As well as phonecalls there are so many ways to let your partner know you're thinking about them: send emails, texts, e-cards, love letters, flowers,scented clothes, or even saucy photos.


TOP TIP 1: Don't send saucy photos of yourself in digital form- if your relationship crashes and burns, then they might end up in the public domain....


TOP TIP 2: Instant messaging is free and convenient. But remember, if you're chatting online and you can't see your partner's facial expression, even your in-jokes can fall flat. "Big nose" can sound cutesy and sweet when you are cuddled up to together, but has a different feel when written down.


Step 3: Keep busy


Problems may arise if one of you is busier than the other, particularly if you parted because of a new college course or job.If you feel isolated and jealous of your partner's new life, you should do all you can to fill up the time you would have spent with your partner. Meet up with old friends, throw yourself into a new hobby, and keep up your mutual interests. The alternative is this again....


Step 4: The bright side


If you're finding things difficult, take heart. You'll never have the dilemma of having to choose between seeing your partner and watching TV/ going to the football/ or washing your hair. You have freedom without the social stigma of being single, and the associated pressure of friends trying to set you up with someone. And if you're feeling frustrated in the bedroom,remember you've always got your phone.


Step 5: The big reunion


The best thing about a long distance relationship is the dirty weekends you can have when you meet up again. Don't just wait for them to come home - go and visit them at their new place, or find romantic places to meet in the middle. If you've made the effort when you're apart, your time back together should go with a bang.


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