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71. 这两本杂志你可以随便拿一本。

误:You may take any of the two magazines.

正:You may take either of the two magazines.

析:any 只用于指三个或三个以上的“任何一个”,要表示两者当中的 “任意一个”,应用 either。

72. 请别人帮帮你吧。

误:Ask else anybody to help you.

正:Ask anybody else to help you.

析:else(别的)与复合不定代词连用时,总是放在复合不定式代词之后,而不能像汉语那样放在不定代词之前。又如:Do you need anything else? 你还想要别的什么吗?

73. 这个东西用英语怎么说?

误:What’s English for this?

正:What’s the English for this?

析:English 表示语种或学科时,其前不能用定冠词。但若表示“英语中的对应词语”,则其前习惯上要用定冠词。此句若改为 How do you say this in English? 则不用冠词。

74. 多数学生都喜欢用英语提问。

误:Most students enjoy to ask questions in English.

正:Most students enjoy asking questions in English.


75. 他力气不够大提不起这个箱子。

误:He is not enough strong to lift the box.

正:He is not strong enough to lift the box. (http://ask.hxen.net/)

析:enough用于修饰形容词或副词时,只能放在形容词或副词的后 面,而不能放在其前面。注:enough修饰名词时,则可放在名词之前或之后,如:We have enough seats [seats enough] for everyone. 我们有足够的座位给大家坐。

76. 有人看见他与一个女人进了这座大楼。

误:He was seen to enter into the building with a woman.

正:He was seen to enter the building with a woman.

析:表示进入某一具体的场所、机构、建筑物等,enter 是及物动词,其后一般不接介词 into。注:若不是指进入某个具体的地点,而是指开始做某事或进入某各种状态等,则可用 enter into。如:Let’s enter into the subject of taxes. 咱们来讨论一下税款问题。

77. 我相信他们会借钱给我们的。

误:I believe them to lend us the money.

正:I believe that they will lend us the money.

析:believe 后接不定式的复合结构时,该不定式通常是 to be,一般不能是 to do。如:I believe him to be honest. 我相信他是诚实的。

78. 今天是我爷爷的80大寿。

误:Today is my grandfather's eighty birthday.

正:Today is my grandfather's eightieth birthday.


79. 我可借用一下你的电话吗?

误:May I borrow your telephone?

正:May I use your telephone?

析:汉语中的“借用”,不一定都可用 borrow 来表示。一般说来,borrow 只表示借用那些能够带走的东西(如书、钱、车、用具等),而对于那些不能带走的东西(如电话、图书室、厕所等)则宜用 use。

80. 两个孩子都想去参加聚会。

误:Both of children want to go to the party.

正:Both children want to go to the party.

正:Both the children want to go to the party.

正:Both of the children want to go to the party. (www.hxen.net)

析:both 后接名词时,用不用定冠词均可,但是在 both of 之后接名词时,则该名词必须有定冠词或其他表特指的限定语。