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51. 过去只要我有空,我就去看电影。

误:I used to go to the cinema whenever I had free.

正:I used to go to the cinema whenever I was free.

正:I used to go to the cinema whenever I had free time.

析:注意 free(空闲的)是形容词,不是名词,不能用作动词have的宾语。要表示汉语的“有空”,可考虑使用be free或have free time等。

52. 他已跟她这个比他大五岁的女孩交上了朋友。

误:He has made friend with the girl who is five years older than him.

正:He has made friends with the girl who is five years older than him.

析:make friends with 是习语,其意为“与……交朋友”,其中的friends总是用复数,不管介词with后接的名词是单数还是复数。

53. 那儿的所有人对我们都很友好。

误:All the people there treated us friendly.

正:All the people there treated us in a friendly way.

析:在现代英语中,friendly 只用作形容词,不用作副词。要表示“友好地”之意,英语可用 in a friendly way 或用 in a friendly manner 等表达。

54. 自那次战争以来,他一直住在国外。

误:He has been abroad from the war.

正:He has been abroad since the war.

析:from用于时间表示“从”,通常只表示时间的起点,要表示从过去某一时间一直持续到现在,应用介词 since。


误:It’s a great fun working with him.

正:It’s great fun working with him.



误:Most of us have gone to Europe twice.

正:Most of us have been to Europe twice.

析:have been to 与have gone to不同:前者指“去过某地”,可以与表示次数的词语连用;后者指“到某地去了”,强调现在不在说话的地方,它不与表示次数的词语连用。


误:I won’t tell anybody what is happened.

正:I won’t tell anybody what has happened.

析:happen表示“发生”时,是不及物动词,因此不用于被动语态,同时也不能后接宾语,如“他昨天出事了”,不能说成:He happened an accident yesterday. 可说成:He met with an accident yesterday.

58. 我曾经见过大象。

误:I ever saw an elephant.

正:I once saw an elephant.

析:汉语中说“曾经”,完全可以用于肯定句,但在英语中,ever 却通常不用于肯定句表示“曾经”这样的意思,遇此情况可考虑用once等。注:ever有时可用在肯定的定语从句中表示“曾经”。如:This is the best story that I (have) ever heard. 这是我曾经听过的最好的故事。

59. 路的两边都种有树。

误:There are trees on every side of the road.

正:There are trees on each side of the road.

正:There are trees on both sides of the road.

析:every 表示“每(一)”,指三者或三者以上的人或事物,不能指两者。指两者中的“每(一)”,英语可用 each(同时它也可指多者)。

60. 这些书中的每一本我都喜欢。

误:I like everyone of these books.

正:I like every one of these books.(www.hxen.net)

析:everyone 与 every one 的区别是:前者(合写)只能指人,不能指物,且其后通常不后接 of 短语;后者(分开写)可以指人也可以指物,其后可以接 of 短语。