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3. 乐器名词前一定要加定冠词吗

He loves playing ____ piano, but he hasn’t got ____ piano of his own.

A. the, the               B. the, a                   C. a, the                  D. a, a


She plays the piano very well. 她钢琴弹得好。

She studies the piano under Mr Smith. 她在史密斯先生的指导下学习钢琴。

He practised (on) the piano every day. 他每天练习钢琴。

以上各句均正确, 并且其前的定冠词通常不能省略(因为其中的piano指的不是钢琴这个实体, 而是指钢琴演奏、钢琴理论、钢琴技巧等抽象意义)。 但是以下各例则没有用定冠词(因为其中的piano指的是钢琴这个实体):

He has two pianos. 他有两部钢琴。

He bought a piano for her. 他给她买了部钢琴。

注意, 球类运动名词也有类似特点:

1. 表示球类活动时, 不用冠词(也不用复数):

He plays basketball every day. 他每天打蓝球。

He is good at volleyball. 他排球打得好。

2. 表示球类实体时, 可用冠词(也可用复数):

Did you see a football in the classrooom thismorning? 今天早上你在教室里看见足球了吗?

There are some basketballs in the corner. 角落里有几个蓝球。


4. 物质名词和抽象名词前何时用或不用冠词

The teacher said ____ snow is white, but ____ snow on the road is red. Why?

A. the, the               B. ×, ×                     C. the, ×                  D. ×, the

此题应选D, 容易误选B, 误认为:snow是物质名词, 其前永远不用冠词。

在通常情况下, 物质名词和抽象名词在表示一般概念(即泛指)时, 不用冠词(即使有描绘性定语修饰也不用冠词)。但是如果物质名词和抽象名词不是表示一般概念,而是表示某一特定内容(尤其是有一限定性定语修饰)时,或当它们表示“一种”、“一场”、“一份”等意思时,则可以加冠词。试做以下试题:

(1) I like to eat ___ fish, but ___ fish I ate lastnight made me sick.

A. the;the                  B. ×;×                       C. the;×                    D. ×;the

(2) ____ air is necessary to life, but ____ airaround here is not fresh.

A. the;the                  B. ×;×                       C. the;×                    D. ×;the

(3) A:Do you like to listen to _____ music?

B:It all depends. In fact I only like ___ music by Mozart.

A. the;the                  B. ×;×                       C. the;×                    D. ×;the

(4) A:He has no sense of ___ humour.

B:No, you didn't catch __ humour in his remark.

A. the;the                  B. ×;×                       C. the;×                    D. ×;the

答案:1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D