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1. 用作名词,left 表示“左边”,right 表示“右边”,是一组反义词,但其用法较为相似:

(1) 其前通常有物主代词或定冠词修饰。如:

He doesn’t know his left from his right. 他分不清左右。

(2) 表示“在左(右)边”,根据情况可用介词 on, at, to。如:

Keep to the left (right). 靠左(右)通行。

He sat on [at, to] my left. 他坐在我的左边。

The shop is on [at] the left of the road. 商店在马路左边。


Then he looked to the left. 然后他向左边看。

The post office is a few yards to the right of the railway station. 邮局在火车站右边几百码处。

2. 用作形容词,通常只用作定语。如:

Raise your right hand. 举起你的右手。

On my left side stood Fred. 我的左侧站着弗雷德。

In Britain we drive on the left side of the road not the right side. 在英国车辆是靠路的左侧行驶而不是靠右侧行驶。

3. 用作副词,注意其前不用介词或冠词。比较:

He looked neither right nor left. 他既不向右看也不向左看。

Turn left at the corner.=Turn to the left at the corner. 在拐角处向左拐。