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1. 用作动词,表示“想见”或“梦想”,注意以下用法:

(1) 其后通常接介词 of 或 about。如:

He often dreams of [about] home. 他经常梦见自己的故乡。

What does it mean if you dream about [of] mountains? 你梦见大山意味着什么?

(2) 有时也接that从句。如:

I dreamed that I could fly. 我梦见自己能飞翔。

She dreams she’ll marry a rich man. 她梦想嫁给一个富翁。

(3) 表示梦想做某事或想要做某事,其后接of [about] doing sth,但不接to do sth。如:

We used to dream about living abroad. 我们曾梦想去国外生活。

I often dreamed of being famous when I was younger. 我年轻时经常梦想成名。

I shouldn’t dream of going unless you wanted me. 我不会想要去,除非你要我去。


I dreamed about flying last night. 昨晚我梦见自己在飞。

2. 与 not, little, never 等否定词连用,表示强烈的否定。如:

I wouldn’t dream of going with her. 我不会同她一起去。

I little dreamed of winning the prize. 我从没梦想过会得奖。

I never dreamed that I should see you here. 我做梦也没想到会在这儿见到你。

若将 little, never 置于句首,其后要用倒装句式。如:

Little did I dream of succeeding  so well. 我做梦也想不到会这样成功。

3. 用作名词,注意以下用法:(www.hxen.net)

(1) 表示做某事的梦想,其后接 of doing sth,不接 to do sth。如:

Her dream of visiting Australia came true. 她访问澳大利亚的梦想实现了。

Will he ever realize his dream of going to college? 他会实现他上大学的梦想吗?

(2) 用于习语 beyond one’s wildest dreams,意为“远出乎某人意料”。如:

He’s paying them a salary beyond their wildest dreams. 他付给他们的薪金之优厚使他们喜出望外。

The band’s record was successful beyond their wildest dreams. 乐队的唱片大获成功,这是他们连做梦也没有想到的。